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Face Procedures

Why You Should Add a Facelift to Your Neck Lift

October 13, 2023 | 4 minute read

Let’s talk turkey: unless you’re a chef, you never want to hear the words “turkey neck,” especially when describing your own neck. However, at a certain point in the aging process, you can’t ignore the droopy skin hanging below your chin. 

At Town and Country Plastic Surgeons and MedSpa, we understand that your jaw and neck area eventually fall victim to age, genes, and lifestyle. Sun damage, weight fluctuations, and the natural progression of time all contribute to jowls and sagging skin on your neck. 

A neck lift can change all that, but should you also add a facelift? 

What Is the Difference Between a Facelift and Neck Lift?

At Town and Country Plastic Surgeons and MedSpa, we offer two types of facelifts: traditional and mini. 

  • A traditional facelift targets the mid and lower face, correcting the area from your cheeks down. It removes excess skin and tightens the muscles to restore a youthful contour. 
  • A mini facelift is performed similarly but only focuses on problems on the lower third of your face. 

Both facelifts are excellent solutions for deep wrinkles, sagging skin, jowls, and mild to moderate fat deposits under the chin. 

The primary purpose of a neck lift is to remove excess skin and fat from your neck and around your jawline, creating a more contoured and defined silhouette. It also includes tightening the muscles in the neck, improving the horizontal creases, and reducing platysmal muscle banding

Below, we discuss some of the advantages of undergoing a facelift at the same time as your neck lift.  

Facial Harmony and Balance 

Undergoing a neck lift may erase the signs of aging in your neck and create a younger-looking and smoother jawline. However, without addressing skin laxity and wrinkles in your face, you may end up looking only partially improved, which can detract from the results of your neck lift.

Undergoing a facelift concurrently with your neck lift will give you a seamless, more natural appearance.

Additionally, while neck and facelift results are considered permanent, your skin will continue to age naturally. Undergoing the two procedures simultaneously helps keep your facial harmony balanced so that you continue to age “evenly” over time.  

Less Recovery Time

Adding a facelift to your neck lift procedure allows you to simultaneously address all of your facial aesthetic concerns instead of in pieces. Recovery time after a neck lift is typically around two weeks, while a facelift often requires up to three weeks before your return to your regular routine without any telltale signs. 

Combining the procedures keeps you on the mend for a shorter time, allowing you to return to your life sooner and show off your smoother, more youthful look. 

Reduced Cost

Whenever surgery is involved, you will have to pay various additional fees for your procedure. Depending on where the surgery is performed, there may be an added facility fee. Anesthesia and any other IV medications necessary for your procedure also add to the cost, as do the services of the trained and experienced professionals who administer them. 

Instead of paying for the associated surgical costs twice, why not save yourself the extra money and undergo a neck lift and facelift together? You may even want to use those savings in our MedSpa to further enhance your results. 

Learn More About Facelift Surgery in Houston and Lake Jackson

If you’re looking for skilled, highly trained facial surgeons in the Houston and Lake Jackson areas, look no further than the experts at Town and Country Plastic Surgeons and MedSpa. When you come in for a consultation with Dr. Yarish or Dr. Bartlett, they listen attentively to your needs and concerns and work with you to create a treatment plan that yields the gorgeous results you desire. 

For more information about our services or to schedule a consultation, call our Houston office at (281) 645-0355, our Lake Jackson office at (979) 217-2382, or complete our online contact form.