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Arm Lift

Get The Sculpted Arms You Desire With Brachioplasty

March 05, 2019 | 2 minute read

What do Jennifer Aniston, Michelle Obama and Jessica Biel all have in common? These women have all been noticed and praised for their contoured arms. Sculpted arms are desired by women, but not everyone can achieve this look from workouts alone. Oftentimes women gain flabbier arms, dreadfully known as “bat wings,” after massive weight loss or natural aging. This is where brachioplasty comes into play.

An arm lift, or brachioplasty, reduces excess sagging skin, tightens the underlying supportive tissue that defines the shape of the arm and reduces localized pockets of fat in the upper arm region. Without question, the scar is a major concern of most patients considering this procedure. Dr. Yarish takes this concern very seriously, and an artistic approach will be utilized to position your incision on the inside of your upper arm, ideally so that it cannot be seen from the front or the back. In addition, we will teach you how to promote excellent scar healing after surgery with compression and topical scar treatments. We also offer laser scar treatments if needed, to minimize the appearance of your scars long term.

Brachioplasty Results Timelapse Comparison

An arm reduction can greatly improve your self esteem and increase your wardrobe options. Being embarrassed about your arms can take a toll on your lifestyle. After noticing sagging, women often stop getting in swimsuits, wear nothing but long sleeves and stop posing for pictures. Brachioplasty will allow you to live life without being self-conscious about your arms. If you dream of having beautiful sculpted arms, call Town and Country Plastic Surgeons today at 281-326-9240 to set up your consultation with Dr. Yarish.