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Where Are The Incisions Made For A Facelift?

August 26, 2019 | 3 minute read

Facelift patient smiling

Houston men and women who are considering getting a facelift are, understandably, curious about where the incisions for this plastic surgeon procedure will be placed. After all, most patients undergoing plastic surgery want their incisions, which will eventually turn into scars, to be as inconspicuous as possible.

Rest assured that when choosing to get a facelift by Houston plastic surgeon Dr. Yarish, he works diligently to make sure your incisions and resulting scars are as hidden as possible. After all, his entire practice is focused on providing you with natural-looking results. He doesn’t want to negate those efforts by leaving you with obvious scars that tell everyone you pass on the street that you’ve had work done.

Here’s an overview of where your incisions will be made if you elect to have this plastic surgery procedure performed by Dr. Yarish.

The Main Incision

Many potential patients don’t realize that a facelift is designed to address the mid and lower face only. Areas of concern around the top portion of the face are better addressed with a brow lift.

That being said, Dr. Yarish needs ample access to your underlying facial structure in order to address sagging cheeks, wrinkles, and deep folds in your mid to lower face. To achieve this access, Dr. Yarish makes a long incision hidden in your hairline. It starts at your temple, then goes down and around your ear, and completes in the bottom portion of your face. This incision is duplicated on the other side of your face.

Initially, after your surgery, your incision will be more noticeable. This is is often during the recovery period from your surgery, when many Houston patients prefer to relax their social schedules as they recover from their surgery, which can take up to 4 weeks.

As your body heals, however, your main incisions will begin to fade away. They’ll be disguised by your hair, and ultimately, begin to become a natural part of your facial folds.

The Under The Chin Incision

The main incision Dr. Yarish makes during a facelift doesn’t give him the access he needs to address loose and sagging jowls. To correct these issues, he must make a tiny incision underneath your chin. This small incision will turn into a very small scar, which will only be noticeable if you are intentionally looking all the way up. Suffice to say, the only way anyone will see your under-the-chin scar is if you purposefully show it to them.

Learn More About Getting A Facelift

If you’d like to learn more about this facial rejuvenation surgery, the best thing you can do is schedule an appointment with Houston plastic surgeon Dr. Yarish himself. He’s been practicing in our area for over 30 years and has a specialized focus on delivering his patients with natural-looking results. Knowing that plastic surgery to correct congenital issues can also empower patients, Dr. Yarish has a foundation to provide pro bono surgeries to children in Mexico and the United States who would otherwise not have access to plastic surgery care.

If you’re looking for a plastic surgeon who’s skilled, as an artful eye, and a big heart, look no further than Dr. Yarish. To schedule a consultation with him, contact our offices in Houston today by calling (281) 326-9240.