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Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormones And Hair Loss

June 01, 2018 | 2 minute read

Women curiously examining a lock of her hair

If there’s one thing a woman takes seriously, it’s her hair. Let’s face it, a good hair day can make you feel confident and sexy, and a bad hair day…the worst!

Hair Loss and Hormones

Hormone deficiency is a common cause for hair loss in both women and men. Whether you’ve just given birth, are going through menopause or experiencing other hormonal imbalances, this can wreak havoc on your lovely locks.

Balancing your hormones could be your solution to slow down hair loss and encourage new hair growth. ReNew You MD offers Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) for both men and women. Bioidentical hormones are naturally occurring hormones that exactly replicate the hormones your body makes. Hormones that can be synthesized include estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA. These hormones are isolated from naturally occurring plant materials and compounded into forms such as creams or pellets that can be absorbed and used by your body just as natural hormones would be used. Treatment begins with a consultation with our Nurse Practitioner and a comprehensive blood panel to determine where your hormone levels are at. An individualized treatment plan is developed to get you on the road to feeling and looking your best.

To learn more about Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy visit our Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy page or call 281-326-9244 to schedule your consultation today.

At ReNew You MD we also offer non-surgical hair restoration treatments that can be used alone or in combination with hair transplant surgery, such as NeoGraft.

PRP with SkinPen – Rejuvenate Your Hair with Your Own Cells

PRP with SkinPen Microneedling has proven to be a safe and effective non-surgical hair restoration option for patients. PRP, short for platelet rich plasma, is a concentrated form of plasma and growth factors, extracted from your own blood. PRP helps stimulate inactive hair follicles into an active growth phase. The SkinPen allows us to get a deeper penetration of PRP infused into the scalp, amplifying our hair restoration abilities. PRP can be used on its own, but it’s also an excellent complement to NeoGraft Hair Restoration. PRP can help implanted hair follicles establish themselves in their location to support the growth of the new graft.

For more information about our non-invasive hair restoration therapies, or to schedule a consultation, please contact our office today at 281-326-9244.